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Disclaimer text in English.
The photographic work downloaded for the general public (personal) is not allowed to be disseminated in the media, which is why there is the professional price. Ignoring this warning will lead to legal consequences.
It is prohibited to upload the photographic work to agencies of any type, whether stock or not, the copyright belongs to the author (Xavier Minguella Minguella), both in a personal and professional capacity.
Regarding physical copies of the photographic work, their display in public spaces or exhibitions without prior notice is prohibited (contact the author to obtain authorization) and of course their use for lucrative uses such as sales or participation in contests of all kinds is prohibited. .
Scanning of physical copies to obtain files is not allowed, much less be used for lucrative uses or in a personal or professional capacity.
Concierto de Beth en el Festival "Els Rentadors" de Juneda (Lleida, 28 de Julio de 2023).
Debido a que estos archivos nocturnos ocupan mucho espacio en la web (memoria), serán expuestos un tiempo limitado, posteriormente se borraran para dar paso a una hoja de contactos que podréis consultar y si se quiere, comprar. Luego a petición de los interesados se volverán a exponer ya sea en una galería pública o una privada.
USO: Para adquirir varias fotos físicas, podéis entrar primero el formato y acabado deseado y luego escoger las imágenes o bien, para una sola imagen, escoger la imagen deseada y escoger el tamaño y acabado.
PRESENTACIÓN - Legal advice - Terms of sale
To take a selfie, look directly into the camera, so it will be more likely to find the photos.
To upload a image for search, remember that the maximum size it's 10MB.